Campaign #LeereStühle in Berlin (EmptyChairs)
When, how, where?
Today, on April 24th, 2020, the #LeereStühle (EmptyChairs) campaign took place for the first time in Berlin. At 9:00 AM, restaurateurs, caterers, bar, and club owners gathered for a silent demonstration at the Platz des 17. Juni.
What is #LeereStühle (EmptyChairs)?
The campaign was initiated by restaurateurs from Dresden. For the first time, the silent demonstration also took place in Dresden, in front of the Frauenkirche. The message is clear: “We make it clear, we don’t want to accumulate, we don’t want to get rich from the crisis, we just want to survive!” (https://www.leere-stuehle.de)
What do we want to achieve?
We do not want a quick reopening of our restaurants – we, as restaurateurs, are equally committed to supporting the containment of the COVID-19 virus! However, we do have some demands of the government, which should help us restaurateurs survive this crisis. We demand an immediate increase in short-time work benefits, as our employees have been on short-time work since March 19. The hospitality industry needs immediate aid, even for businesses with more than 10 employees, so they can hold on until the measures that have been decided take effect. Additionally, a rent reduction for commercial spaces would help cover costs.
AMRIT & #LeereStühle (EmptyChairs)
Since the silent demonstration was only approved by the authorities yesterday afternoon, too few businesses had the opportunity to react, or too few were aware of it. Since we at AMRIT have around 500 chairs per location, all of which are currently empty, we brought 350 chairs to the Brandenburg Gate this morning to ensure the action is heard and has the desired impact.